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Victims of crime encouraged to have their say

Monday, 25 October 2021

Victims of crime are being invited to contribute to the Commissioner’s first systemic inquiry that will review victim participation in the justice system.

“I hear from victims that they are often traumatised by their experience in the justice system, and I want to investigate this and provide victims with an opportunity to have their say,” Victims of Crime Commissioner Fiona McCormack said.

“Under the Victims’ Charter, victims are entitled to be treated as participants in the justice system. This inquiry will help me understand how victims can take part in the justice system. By seeking victims’ insights through a survey, I hear a large number of stories and use them to advocate for improved experiences for victims.

“I want to hear from victims from a wide range of backgrounds. That’s why I have developed a survey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have been victims of crime. The survey is also translated into Arabic, simplified Chinese, Dari and Vietnamese, and is also available in Easy English.”

The experience of victims in the justice system is not something that has been thoroughly investigated since the Victorian Law Reform Commission in 2016.

“I will use the information gathered through the survey to write a report to government about what I hear from victims to improve their experiences and participation in the justice system. The survey will be available online until early 2022, and I encourage people who have experienced a crime to take the opportunity to have their voice heard,” the Commissioner said.

Find out more on how victims can participate in the systemic inquiry or access the online victims of crime survey.

The Commissioner has legislative functions including complaints about possible breaches of the Victims’ Charter. If you’ve become a victim of crime and believe an organisation you are dealing with has failed to follow the Victims’ Charter principles, you may be able to make a complaint to the Commissioner.

Media contact:
Lisa Wheildon
Principal Advisor Communications and Advocacy
Phone: 0409 142 807; Email:

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